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Is Your Software ready for an Update?

Is Your Software ready for an Update? CBT and Why you may need something more.

Many clients come to therapy on a recommendation from their doctor to seek CBT as a
treatment for their symptoms of anxiety, depression, ADHD or other mental health concern.

Seeking CBT can be a helpful way to bring clients into the world of therapy and often provides
some concrete instructions in the daunting task of choosing a therapist in the vast ocean of
providers. So, what exactly is CBT? It stands for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and is the most
widely researched form of the therapy, which is likely why your doctor feels safe referring you
for this approach.

I like to explain CBT as a user manual for your brain. Through exercises and education
CBT provides a framework for your psychologist to effectively help you understand what is
going on when you experience symptoms of any sort, and how to navigate your way around
those symptoms.

Much like the user manual for your computer that says: press power – go to
the App Icon – search for candy crush – play game and helps you understand how you got here
and what to do now; CBT provides information about how to be Aware – Notice your
thoughts – Notice what feelings they bring up – Notice what behaviour that creates!


This is an amazingly helpful and foundational piece of awareness that is necessary in order to begin
changing any symptom, behaviour or concern that you are experiencing, because, ultimately,
we cannot influence what we cannot see.

But what if your computer hasn’t been updated in a long time? My orientation as a
therapist involves a deep belief in the knowledge that we are wired to navigate our
environments in the most efficient, developmentally available way possible in the moment.

We do what we need to in order to survive! This is great for survival… AND, at some point, we
need to take the time to Update our Software. This is why most psychologists will use some
other form of therapy to be curious about your past – what are the underlying experiences and
beliefs that are currently operating in the background of your daily interactions?

How was your software programmed at the time of its last update? For most of us, this was some time in our
childhood. The good news is that psychologists can learn coding… for the brain! It means that
with support, compassion and guidance your psychologist can support you to update your
software using the advanced hardware of your adult brain.

No matter where you are at in understanding your current symptoms, we are here to
support you to understand how your brain works and to work with you to update your
programing in a way that feels more aligned with the complex life that you are currently
existing in, the new relationships that you are currently building and, most importantly, the
wise person you have grown into.

Written by:

Shelley Petry
Registered Psychologist

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