
Four Horsemen

Understanding Communication Toxicity in Your Relationship

One of the most common concerns couples identify as an issue in their relationship is communication. Most couples feel like communication (or lack thereof) leads to conflict and that conflict is a negative part of their relationship. However, conflict is a normal part of a relationship and is going to happen. I often tell couples

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Ingredients for relationship success

Ingredients to Help Create a Successful Relationship

Relationship success = constant communication, an abundance of appreciation, heartfelt understanding, consistent emotional and physical connection, and ongoing trust and commitment. How do we know this combination of ingredients makes a successful relationship? Thanks to years of research and clinical practice, Dr. John Gottman and Dr. Julie Gottman have uncovered the recipe that makes a

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Therapy myths vs. facts

5 Common Myths about Therapy

THERAPY. MENTAL HEALTH. PSYCHOLOGY. PSYCHOTHERAPY. Years ago, these terms had a negative connotation. This is no longer the case. Nowadays, therapy means: SUPPORT. UNDERSTANDING. COMPASSION. EMPATHY. GUIDANCE. MEANING. PURPOSE. However, there still seem to be a few myths (or like I say, misunderstandings) circling about therapy. Here are a few that should be understood and

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ART can help provide relief for a variety of mental health concerns

Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART): What is ART and How Can it Help You?

When you hear the term ART Therapy, the first thing that probably comes to mind is a paintbrush. Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) is something else entirely. What is ART? ART is an evidence-based therapy that has proven to be highly effective and produce rapid results for those looking to improve their mental health. Using relaxing

Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART): What is ART and How Can it Help You? Read More »

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